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The presentational results of this difference: the university Perhaps universities are reluctant to allow salaries to reflect indirect cost contributions generated by faculty for fear the flow of grants might suddenly be discontinued, leaving them in the always-difficult position of having to negotiate reductions in existing salary levels. The professors in the top group, however, would presumably be willing to stipulate in advance that their salaries be linked explicitly to their grant totals, if the alternative were to be forced to settle for their current salary levels. The presentational results of this difference: The granting agencies The granting agencies themselves might object if universities were to link professors salaries by formula to the amount of indirect cost contributions they managed to generate. Actually, The possible existence of such a constraint seems plausible indeed, since the express purpose of indirect cost contributions is for the granting agency to pay its fair share of the universitys overhead expenses Discussion1 Any university that managed to hire away one of Cornells top grant-getters for an annual salary of $70,000 would capture at least $175,000 in additional annual funding to help defray the costs of maintaining its own in- frastructure. It would be difficult to argue that any granting agency would have objected or altered its grant awards in any way had some competing university managed to hire one of Cornells top grant-getters on the strength of a $70,000 annual salary offer. That such offers were not forthcoming may be taken as a signal that some factor other than external constraints from the granting agencies must explain why the indirect cost contributions generated by the professors in the sample are so weakly reflected in their salary differences. discussion2 an implicit market for status in each firms internal earnings hierarchy causes the distribution of earnings to be compressed relative to the distribution of m



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