Grand Amanda第一航次应对大风量的预案和措施.pdf

Grand Amanda第一航次应对大风量的预案和措施.pdf

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Grand Amanda第一航次应对大风量的预案和措施

Grand Amanda 轮第一航次应对大风浪的预案和措施 [摘要] 大风浪是航海者常见的境况,几乎在任何季节和航区都能遇到大风浪。在大风 浪中航行是艰苦的、紧张的、危险的,同时又是每一艘船舶必须面对的现实。大风浪会 导致货物的移动、船舶上浪、中垂、中拱和谐摇等,严重威胁船舶的安全。船舶在大风 浪中毁坏和沉没的事故屡见不鲜。通常大风浪会造成船舶、财产、人命的巨大灭失和伤 亡。为了更直观的理解和运用大风浪操作理论,保证船舶、财产和人命的安全。本文根 据掌握的大风浪知识,以我船为具体目标,观测记录船站的水文气象要素,综合气象信 息预计风浪情况,并对我船面对大风浪采取的积载、压载、航线设计等预案进行分析, 确定初稳心高度。主要阐述、分析我船在大风浪中的采取的实际操作,通过计算谐摇法 和船舶采取的速度判断在大风浪中采取的措施是否有效。 [关键词] 大风浪 积载 稳性 谐摇 MVGrandAmandasTheFirstVoyageTo ThePlansAnd Measures [Abstract] The heavy sea is the sailors common situation,in almost every season and area can meet the heavy sea.In heavy sea sail is hard, tense, dangerous, and every vessel must face the reality.The waves would lead to the movement of cargo, ship wave, sag, hogging synchronous rolling motion, a serious threat to the safety of the ship.Ships in wave destroyed and sunk accident it is often seen.Usually the ship may have a huge loss of life, property, and the casualties.In order to more intuitive understanding and use of the theory of operation, ensure the ship, property and life safety.In this paper, according to the rough knowledge, to my ship for specific target, observation records of ship station hydrological and meteorological elements, integrated meteorological information is expected to wind conditions, and for my vessel with large waves take the stowage, ballast, route design plan analysis, to determine the GM.Mainly elaborated, my analysis of ship in waves by actual operation, through the calculation of synchronous rolling motion and the ship to take speed judgment in waves the effectiveness of measures adopted. [Key words] heavy sea stowage stability synchronous rolling motion 目录 引言1 第一章 大风浪简介和分布3 1.1 波浪要素3 1.2 风浪的成因3 1.3 大风浪的分布范围4 第二章 航次信息和船舶安全核算5 2.1 航次信息5 2.1.1积载信息5 2.1.2 途经区域的气候信息5 2.2 船舶的安全核算7 2.2.1 完整稳性的核算7 2.2.2 船舶


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