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38 第五届中国建筑史学国际研讨会论文选 Paper Selection for the 5th International Conference on Chinese Architectural History / 南方建筑 / South Architecture 2011.4 中国早期寺院配置的形态演变初探:塔·金堂·法 堂·阁的建筑形制 Topological Study on the evolution of early Chinese Buddhist Monasteries: Layout of Pagoda, Buddha Hall, Lecture Hall and Pavilion Tower 王维仁1 徐翥2 Wang Weijen  Xu Zhu 摘要  在以塔/浮图为中心的佛教寺院原型传 residence to the service of Buddha” among adopted from materials including archive 入中国之后,经过“舍宅为寺”的汉化发展过 aristocrats after the Han dynasty, reached its documents, pictorial representations in 程,在南北朝的后期进入了形态发展的高峰。 typological climax during the fifth and sixth Dunhuang murals, archeological excavations 以永宁寺和日本法隆寺等几个寺庙作为这一时 century. Looking through key examples like and few surviving monuments in China, Japan 期形态配置的例证看来,由于对佛像崇拜的宗 Yongning Monastery and Horyuji at the time, and South Korea, This paper finally arranges 教需求,金堂的地位日益重要,寺院开始将金 the Buddha hall had became increasingly all available samples in a chronological order 堂与塔的位置,作或左右、或前后地并置。这 important as the result of popular needs for examining their evolution typologically. 种形态学上的多样发展一直延续到了唐代,在 on worship of Buddha image. Variations of By building up the tentative traces of their 金堂的地位日渐巩固后,才确立了在中轴线上 arrangements on the location of Buddha hall development from late Han through Northern 以山门、金堂和法堂为主体建筑的寺庙配置。 and pagoda during the period, implied a trend and Southern Dynasty, all the way to late Tang 从初唐开始,塔的重要性进一步降低,配置上 of new interrelation between key building and the five Dynasties, this paper intends 开始将塔列入别院;同时,汉化的建筑元素如 elements along the main axis. This diversity


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