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摘 要 本设计题目为公路预应力混凝土连续梁桥设计,桥梁跨径布置为5x30m,两 车道,上部结构采用先简支后连续的预应力混凝土连续T 型梁桥。简支转连续是 桥梁施工中较为常见的一种方法,该施工方法的主要特点是施工方法简单可行, 施工质量可靠,实现了桥梁施工的工厂化、标准化和装配化。目前随着高速公路 的发展,为改善桥梁行车的舒适性,简支转连续梁桥在中、小跨径的连续梁桥中 得到了广泛地应用。 本设计利用Midas Civil 软件进行结构分析,根据桥梁的尺寸拟定建立桥梁 基本模型,然后进行内力分析,计算配筋结果,进行施工各阶段分析及截面验算。 同时,必须要考虑混凝土收缩、徐变次内力和温度次内力等因素的影响。 本设计主要是预应力混凝土连续梁桥的上部结构设计,设计中主要进行了桥 梁总体布置及结构尺寸拟定、桥梁荷载内力计算、桥梁预应力钢束的估算与布置、 桥梁预应力损失及应力的验算、次内力的验算、主梁截面应力验算。 最后,经过分析验算表明该设计计算方法正确,内力分布合理,符合设计任 务的要求。 关键词:简支转连续 T 梁 预应力 Midas Civil 钢束。 Abstract The design prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge, the bridge span arrangement for the 5x30m,two-lane,the upper structure with simply supported Continuous prestressed concrete continuous T-beam bridge. Simply supported continuous construction of the bridge a more common method of construction,the main features of the construction method is simple and feasible,the construction qualit,the factory realized the bridge construction,and assembly of standardization. With the current high road of development , to improve the driving comfort of the bridge,simply supported continuous beam bridge in the small span continuous bridge has been widely applied. This design using the Midas Civil software analysis the structure,according to the size of the bridge,the basic model establishment bridge worked,then force analysis ,calculation results of reinforced ,for each phase analysis and construction. At the same time , must consider the concrete shrinkage,Creep force times and temperature resultant times factors. The design of prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge is mainly the upper structure design,in the design of the main bridge layout and structure size ,load calculation, bridge prestressing tendons estimation and layo


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