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网络出版时间:2015-03-31 10:22 网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/21.1253.q1022.009.html 城市雨洪管理低影响开发技术研究与利用进展  刘文陈卫平 彭驰 ( 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室,北京 100085) 摘 要 低影响开发(LID)作为一种新兴雨水管理技术,在消减城市雨洪和滞留污染物等方面效果显著.本文系统 介绍了LID 技术体系,综述了国外关于3 类典型LID 设施(生物滞留池、绿色屋顶和透水路面)对暴雨径流和主要 污染物的消减效果研究, 以及LID 技术在模型模拟、成本效益分析和管理体系等方面的研究成果和经验;并在此 基础上分析了目前LID 技术存在的问题和研究的不足;最后从LID 技术的研究方向、合理设计和科学管理等方 面提出建议. 旨在通过国外研究的成果和经验为LID 技术在国内的标准制定和广泛实践提供科学依据和建议. 关键词 低影响开发; 暴雨径流; 生物滞留池; 绿色屋顶; 透水路面 中图分类号 TV122.1; X321 文献标识码 A Advances in low impact development technology for urban stormwater management. LIU Wen, CHEN Wei-ping, PENG Chi (State Key Laboratory for Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China) Abstract: Low impact development (LID), as an innovative technology for stormwater management, is effective to mitigate urban flooding and to detain pollutants. This paper systemically introduced the LID technology system, and summarized the reduction effects of three typical LID facilities (i.e., bio-retention, green roof and permeable pavement) on stormwater runoff and main pollutants in recent literature, as well as research outcomes and experiences of LID technology on model simulation, cost-benefit analysis and management system. On this basis, we analyzed the problems and limitations of current LID technology studies. Finally, some suggestions about future research directions, appropriate design and scientific management were put forth. This work intended to provide scientific basis and suggestions fo


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