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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题目 基于单片机的多旋翼飞行器设计 I 摘 要 本设计以16 位STM32F103R8T6 微处理器作为主控制器,设计了一套完整 的六旋翼飞行器控制方案。本系统采用六轴处理组件MPU6050 传感器模块进行 姿态采集,通过电机驱动模块接受控制信号,控制、驱动飞行器的六个直流电机, 以C 语言、滑动滤波法以及PID 控制算法为基础编写了飞行控制软件从而实现 飞行器的起降以及飞行控制,并通过自主制作的遥控器对飞行姿态进行实时的操 控。 本文首先从多旋翼飞行器的研究背景及发展趋势入手,分析了飞行器的现状。 接着深入分析了飞行器的控制原理并以此为基础完成了飞行器的结构及外形设 计。然后对飞行器硬件电路进行了模块化的说明与设计,完成了对整个飞行器电 路设计以及元件选型。随后,本文对飞行器的姿态检测、解算以及姿态控制部分 进行了理论分析以及软件程序设计。最终在此基础上对六旋翼飞行器进行了反复 的调试、试飞、改进,达到了一个比较理想的飞行控制效果。 关键词:六旋翼飞行器,STM32,PID 控制,姿态检测,飞行控制 II Abstract The design uses the 16 bits STM32F103R8T6 microprocessor as the main controller, designs a complete six-rotor aircraft control program. The system uses a six-axis sensor processing component MPU6050 gesture acquisition module, receiving a control signal via the motor drive module to control and drive six aircraft DC motor, writing the flight control software based on the C language, the sliding filtering and PID control algorithm in order to achieve VTOL aircraft and flight control, and use the remote made by myself control to adjust the flight of aircraft for real-time control. Firstly, the research starts from the background and the development direction of multi-rotor aircraft, analyzes the research status of the aircraft. Then the research analysis the aircrafts control principle, which is as the basis for the completion of the aircraft structure and exterior design. Then the research completes the aircraft hardware modular circuit analysis and design, and the entire aircraft circuit design and component selection. Subsequently, the paper analysis control theory and software program of aircraft gesture


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