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Biosecurity protocols for the prevention of spread of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus1 预防猪繁殖与呼吸综合症病毒 (蓝耳病病毒)传播的 生物安全条款 Swine Disease Eradication Center University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine 明尼苏达大学兽医学院,猪病净化中心 目录 Introduction 前言2 Virus overview 病毒概括2 Routes of Spread and Protocols of Biosecurity 传播途径和生物安全方案3 Direct routes (live animals and semen) 直接途径(活体动物和精液)3 Indirect routes 间接途径4 Facilities 圈舍设施4 Needles 针头6 Transport vehicles 运输车辆6 Personal 人员7 Fomites 污染物9 Insects 昆虫9 Aerosols 空气方式10 Miscellaneous 其它方面14 Concluding remarks 结语15 Suggested reading 推荐阅读15 1 翻译者:徐大伟,沈阳正大畜牧有限公司,2013 年09 月22 日。 Introduction 前言 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is an economically significant disease of swine that has been estimated to cost the US industry approximately $560 million a year. Preventing the spread of PRRSV within and between pig populations is a critical component of a farm’s disease control program. To aid in controlling the spread of this agent, this manual provides a summary of data from experiments conducted from our group at the University of Minnesota that were specifically designed to identify the routes of PRRSV transmission and to develop protocols of biosecurity to reduce this risk. All protocols have been, and continue to be validated during an–going experiment that has been in process over the past 2 years at our Swine Disease Eradication Center (SDEC) production region model farm. The authors of this man



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