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Some Important Phrases of Unit 17 I _____ my lunch ____(分享)him yesterday. 2. The police _____ his death ___ (把…看作)a case of murder. 3. How shall we ________ (处理)the problem ? 4. The boy has ____________ (有能力)solve the difficult problem. 5. The teacher ____________________ (起重要作用)in teaching. shared with treated as deal with the ability to plays an important role 6. In order to __________________(实现理想) , they worked day and night. 7. The policemen __________ (四处走动)and tried to find the thief. 8. It will take you some time to ________ (适应)the new surroundings. 9. Everyone can _____________ (参加)this game . 10. The scientists have ______________________ (作贡献)the science and technology of our country. realize their dreams got around adjust to participate in made great contributions to Language Points: sympathy n. 同情;同意,赞同 many letters of sympathy have/ feel sympathy for /with sb. 同情某人 in/ with sympathy 同情地 be in sympathy with 赞同,同…一致 如果我因为懒惰而变穷,他们是不会同情我的。 If I become poor because of laziness , they won’t feel sympathy for me. 他 不同情他们的苦难。 He has no sympathy with them in their suffering. He patted me on the shoulder in sympathy. 他同情地拍了拍我的肩膀。 在这一点上我跟他一致。 On that point I’m in sympathy with him. 2. encourage v. encouragement n. 鼓励,促进,赞助 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. in 鼓励/助长某人的… 1) 他的老师给了他很多鼓励。 He received a lot of ___________ from his teacher. 2) 老师鼓励我们去国外学习。 The teacher __________ me _________________. 3)不可助长他懒惰成性。 Don’t ___________ him _____his idle ways. encouragement encouraged to study abroad encourage in 3. adjust (oneself) to vi. 适应于 vt. 调整修正 身体迅速适应了气温的变化。 The body quickly _____ ___ changes in temperature. 我的表慢了我必须校正一下。 I must _________________________. 这些桌,凳能被调整到适合的任何孩子的高度。 The desk and seats _________________ the height of any child. 我请人调整了自行车的车闸。 I _____ the brakes of my bicycle __



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