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企业为何谈服务 Why Service? 越來越多竞争者 More and more competitors 客戶越來越聪明 Customers are more perceptive 忠诚度降低 Decrease of customer loyalty 心理需求的三大层次 Three Characteristics of Psychological Requirements 物质性 Materiality 社会性 Society 个人性 Individuality 服务品质与产品品质的区别 Different Between Service Quality Product Quality 服务即是 产品 • Services are products 服务无法储藏 • Services cannot be stored 生产行为与消费行为在同一时空下进行 • Production and consumption behavior are proceeding simultaneously 必须具备有随机应变的能力 • Must be able to cope with situations flexibly 服务品质与产品品质的区别 Different Between Service Quality Product Quality 成果无法用计算器来测量 • Results cannot be determined through the use of instruments 成果具有高度个人性格依赖症 • Results are possessed greatly with individual characteristics oriented 提供服务环境条件也成为评估对象之一 • The condition of service environment has become a subject of evaluations 服务品质认定 Service Quality Perception 顾客是以 【认知品质与期望品质之间的差距】 來衡量服务品质的好坏 Customers evaluate service quality based on “the Gaps between Perceived Quality and Expected Quality” 主导服务品质的要素 Key Criteria for Providing Quality Service 值得信赖 Trustworthiness 注重信誉 Credibility 留意形象 Good Image 快速反应 Responsiveness 善解 人意 Consideration 物超所值 Value-added 服务大趋势 The Trend of Service 企业存在的目的在于吸引及保住 顾客因为. 唯有你能吸引及 保有顾客 ,你才有生意可言;有生意才有利润 ,进而有工作 及就业市场 。 彼得 杜拉克 Quote:”The main purpose of any organization is to attract and retain customers. It is only YOU that can attract and retain customers. It is YOU who makes the business, It is


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