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An Education PART ONE Language Study 1. That shows youre a joiner-inner. 这表明你是个资深成员。 Joiner-inner: senior member 2. How do I know you wont j ust drive off with the cello? 我怎么知道你不会带着大提琴就开走了? 3. Hed say theres no point to them. 他会说那是没有意义的。 Language Study 4. You cant let the grass grow under your feet, young man. 你可不能等到连草都长高了,年轻人。 (做事别拖拖拉拉或浪费时间。) 5. I think there were 1 violins, 1 cello, 2 violas, a harp. 我想那里有一个小提琴,一个大提琴,两个中提琴,一个竖琴。 Language Study 6.Lot 41. 41号拍品。 Lot : (出售或拍卖时的)货品 7.We kept bumping into each other. 我们经常碰面。 bump into: 无意中遇到、碰到 8.If shes going to spend 3 years playing that bloody cello, talking in French to a bunch of beatniks. 如果她要花三年去拉那个要命的大提琴,跟一堆披头族说法语。 a bunch of: 一群;一堆;一束 beatniks :奇装异服言行怪癖的人;垮掉的一代 Language Study 9.Jenny used to devour those books. 珍妮以前很喜欢那些书。 devour:If you devour a book or magazine, for example, you read it quickly and with great enthusiasm. 贪婪地读 10.All those suppers youve had off him. 你跟他吃过这么多次晚餐。 Language Study 11. He wouldnt want you if you were thick, now, would he? 如果你很笨他也不会喜欢你,不是吗? thick:stupid 愚蠢的;傻的 12. May not an ass know when the cart draws the horse? 马儿颠倒过来给车子拖着走就是一头蠢驴不也看得清吗? ass:驴子;蠢人 cart :马车 13. Thats revolting ! You stick to your own species. 你这是造反,去和你自己的同类待着。 stick to: 坚持;紧跟;忠于 Language Study 14. How far advanced are these ridiculous plans? 你那些荒唐的计进展到哪了? ridiculous :可笑的;荒谬的 15. It gives me absolutely no pleasure whatsoever to see our young schoolgirls throwing their lives away. 看见我们的年轻女学生自毁前程让我十分痛心。 PART TWO Sentences Appreciation 1. I studied what I believe they call the university of life. 我上的是所谓的社会大学。 2. And I never did an


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