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imat est .com /docs/multicharts/ Imatest - Multicharts Measure color accuracy, t onal response , and noise f rom a large variet y of t est chart s Introduction Co lo rchecker IT 8.7 CMP DT 003 Co lo rchecker SG QPcard 201 Q- 13 Univer al T e t T arget (UTT ) Chro maDuMo nde 28/28R Al o : SpyderCHECKR (8×6), SFRplu 20-pat ch co lo r, SMPT E/Hale Co lo r Bar (6 pat che ), T E226 (9×5) chart , General m row x n co lumn . Imat e t ™ Mult ichart analyze image of everal t e t chart f o r co lo r accuracy, t o nal re po n e, no i e, and ISO en it ivit y u ing a highly int eract ive u er int erf ace. It can be u ed t o mea ure w hit e balance and co lo r re po n e f o r a w ide range of light ing co ndit io n and cene . It can al o di play t he t o nal re po n e of mo nochro me chart (o r mo nochro me po rt io n of co lo r chart ). A co lo r co rrect io n mat rix can be calculat ed (Imat e t Ma t er o nly) and u ed t o co rrect image . Several of t he uppo rt ed t e t chart are how n o n t he lef t . T he Chro maDuMo nde, linear gray cale t epchart , Univer al T e t T arget (UTT ), and everal addit io nal Special Chart are uppo rt ed by Imat e t Ma t er o nly. Getting started Phot ograph or scan t he chart , t aking care t o illuminat e t he chart evenly (±5%), and t o avo id glare, w hich can be pro blemat ic in chart w it h emiglo (SG) and glo y urf ace uch a t he ref lect ive IT 8.7 and Co lo rChecker SG. Glare can be e pecially dif f icult


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