10. 查找和处理文件.ppt

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10. 查找和处理文件

Basic find Examples find?-name?snow.png Search for files named snow.png in the current directory find?-iname?snow.png Case-insensitive search for files named snow.png, Snow.png, SNOW.PNG, etc. in the current directory find?/?-name?*.txt Search for files anywhere on the system that end in .txt find?/etc?-name?*pass* Search for files in /etc/ that contain pass in their name find?/home?-user?joe?-group?joe Search for files owned by the user joe and the group joe in /home/ find and Logical Operators Criteria are ANDed together by default. Can be ORd or negated with -o or -not Parentheses can be used to determine logic order, but must be escaped in bash. find?-user?joe?-not?-group?joe find?-user?joe?-o?-user?jane find?-not??\(??-user?joe?-o?-user?jane??\) find and Permissions Can match ownership by name or id find?/?-user?joe?-o?-uid?500 Can match octal or symbolic permissions find?-perm?755 matches if mode is exactly 755 find?-perm?+222 matches if anyone can write find?-perm?-222 matches if everyone can write find?-perm?-002 matches if other can write find and Numeric Criteria Many find criteria take numeric values find?-size?10M Files with a size of exactly 10 megabytes find?-size?+10M Files with a size over 10 megabytes find?-size?-10M Files with a size less than 10 megabytes Other modifiers are available such as k for KB, G for GB, etc. find and Access Times find can match by inode timestamps -atime when file was last read -mtime when file data last changed -ctime when file data or metadata last changed Value given is in days find?/tmp?-ctime?+10 Files changed more than 10 days ago Can use a value of minutes -amin -mmin -cmin find?/etc?-amin?-60 Executing Commands with find Commands can be executed on found files Command must be preceded with -exec or -ok -ok prompts before acting on each file Command must end with Space\; Can use {} as a filename placeholder find?-size?+100M?-ok?mv?{}?/tmp/largefiles/??\; find Execution Examples find?-name?*.conf?-exec?cp?


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