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两种幽暗 ——比较荷马《奥德赛》与柏拉图《斐多》的冥府教谕 贺方婴( 摘要:作为古希腊诗教传统的重要源头,荷马史诗极大地影响了古希腊人对生命和人性的理解,荷马在史诗《奥德赛》中借奥德修斯的冥府之旅教育古希腊人应如何看待死亡,如何理解生命的有限性。对此,柏拉图在《斐多》中提出了有别于荷马的见解,他以苏格拉底临终之作的大地神话悄然取代了荷马的冥府之行。向我们描述了幽冥世界的另一种幽暗。柏拉图-苏格拉底告知我们:死后的去向与生前所受的智慧修习及美德有关,就此而言,古风诗人与政治哲人虽然都讲述了灵魂的归宿,描述了冥府的情状与地貌,向我们这些必死的凡人预告了未知但命定的路,但他们却把我们引向不同的冥府,为我们的生命终点蒙上不同的幽暗。 关键词:荷马;《奥德赛》;柏拉图;《斐多》;冥府 Two Kinds of Darkness: A comparison of Hades Teaching in Homeric Odyssey and Plato’s Pheado He Fangying Abstract: As a main traditional source of poetic education in ancient Greece, Homeric poetry has great influence on ancient Greeks in shaping their understanding of the life and humanity. Through the journey to Hades in Odyssey, the Poet teaches the ancient Greeks what view they should hold on death and limit of this life. However, the great political philosopher presents different views of Hades in the Plato’s Pheado. In this dramatic dialogue, Plato quietly replaces the journey to Hades in Odyssey with Socrates’ myth of the earth. Plato-Socrates teach us that a man where he go in the Hades after death is relate to his ways of life while living, especially relate to his studies in wisdom and virtue. In brief, although the ancient poet and political philosopher tell us both the end-result of our souls, describing circumstances and sufferings in Hades, then forecast our future which is unknown but has been designated by Fate. However, they guide us to different region of the invisible, and cover the ending of life with different darkness. Keywords: Homer; Odyssey; Plato; Pheado; Hades; Teachings 现存的古代诗文中有不少与冥界相关的题材,从荷马史诗《奥德塞》(简称《奥》)、赫西俄德的《神谱》、柏拉图的《斐多》、阿里斯托芬的《蛙》、卢克莱修的《物性论》、路吉阿诺斯的《死人对话》、《摆渡》,维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》到文艺复兴时期但丁的《地狱篇》,冥府题材一直是西方诗学经典的重大主题,其中《奥德赛》中英雄奥德修斯的冥府之旅不仅是各式冥府题材的源头,也因为荷马史诗哺育了全体希腊人,成为诗教的基础而最为深入人心。 耗时十年的特洛伊战争结束后,在海上历尽艰险的奥德修斯为重返故乡伊塔卡,在女妖基尔克的指引下,前往冥府寻找盲先知忒瑞西阿斯,向其问询归乡之路。在阴森恐怖的幽冥世界,心智超群,英勇无畏的伊塔卡之王——奥德修斯看到无数凄厉悲苦的亡魂,这让他感受到前所未有的恐惧,奥德修斯更是前后两次以“苍白的恐惧”来形容内心的惊惧(《奥》:11:43,634),而在两者之间则是奥德修斯冥府之行的具体遭遇。就此而言,诗人荷马似乎告诉我们,奥德修斯即便经历了冥府之行的历炼,仍然无法摆脱对


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