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FDA QbD实例 速释片 Example QbD for IR Tablet(中英文对照)
Example QbD IR Tablet Module 3 Quality 3.2.P.2 Pharmaceutical Development
IR 片剂QbD 实例模块3 质量3.2.P.2 药物开发
Quality by Design for ANDAs: An Example for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms
ANDAs 的质量源于设计:速释制剂的实例
Introduction to the Example 实例简介
This is an example pharmaceutical development report illustrating how ANDA applicants can
move toward implementation of Quality by Design (QbD). The purpose of the example is to
illustrate the types of pharmaceutical development studies ANDA applicants may use as they
implement QbD in their generic product development and to promote discussion on how OGD
would use this information in review.
这是一个有关药物开发报告的实例,用以说明ANDA 申请人如何实施质量源于设计(QbD) 。
该实例的目的是说明ANDA 申请人在其仿制药开发过程中实施QbD时,可使用的药物开发研
Although we have tried to make this example as realistic as possible, the development of a real
product may differ from this example. The example is for illustrative purposes and, depending on
applicants’ experience and knowledge, the degree of experimentation for a particular product may
vary. The impact of experience and knowledge should be thoroughly explained in the submission.
The risk assessment process is one avenue for this explanation. At many places in this example,
alternative pharmaceutical development approaches would also be appropriate.
Notes to the reader are included in italics throughout the text. Questions and comments may be
sent to GenericDrugs@fda.hhs.gov
GenericDrugs@fda.hhs.gov 。
2012 年4 月 1
Example QbD IR Tablet Module 3 Quality 3.2.P.2 Pharmaceutical Development
IR 片剂QbD 实例模块3 质量3.2.P.2 药物开发
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