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世界硒都·魅力恩施 World Capital of Selenium ·Charming Enshi 恩施简述 A Brief Introduction of Enshi 恩施土家族苗族自治州位于中国湖北省西南部,简称恩施州,是中国湖北省 下辖的民族自治州。西面和北面邻接重庆市,东临宜昌市,南邻湖南省湘西土家 族苗族自治州,东北接神农架林区。面积24111 平方千米,人口397 万,其中汉 族约占45% ,土家族约占46% ,苗族约占6.5%,其他少数民族约占2.5% 。 Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture (hereinafter referred to as Enshi) is located in the southwestern corner of Hubei province, People‟s Republic of China. Known for short as Enshi Prefecture, it is in the administrative area of Hubei province. Enshi neighbors Chongqing Municipality in the west and north, Yichang City in the east, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hunan province in the south, and Shennongjia Forestry District in the northeast. It covers an area of 24,111 square kilometers and has a population of 3.97 million, including 45% Han people, 46% Tujia people, 6.5% Miao people and 2.5% people from other minority groups. 恩施是巴文化的发祥地,是世界优秀民歌《龙船调》的故乡,是鄂西生态文 化旅游圈的核心区。这里有200 多万年前“建始直立人”留下的世界最早的“古人 类文化” ;有与楚渝文化交相辉映的“ 巴文化” ;有精美绝伦的土家织锦“西兰卡普” ; 有中国南方杆栏式建筑经典土家吊脚楼;有亚洲第一洞“腾龙洞” ;有可与美国科 罗拉多大峡谷媲美的“恩施大峡谷” ;有各种药用植物2000 多种,享有“天然植物 园”、“华中药库”美称。其中板党、窑归、紫油厚朴等名贵中药材为世界独有。这 些多彩的民族文化、良好的自然生态、宜人的气候条件、丰富的物产资源,“魅 力恩施”之称当之无愧。 Enshi is the cradle of “Ba Culture” and “Dragon Boat Melody”, one of world‟s best folk songs. It is also situated at the heart of ecological and cultural tourist circle in western Hubei. Enshi boasts the “Ancient Human Culture” passed down by “Jianshi Homo Erectus” over 2 million years ago, the “Ba Culture” interacting with “Chu-Yu Cultures”, exquisite richly-patterned brocade known as xilankapu , stilted houses of Tujia people typical in south China, Asian No.1 cave “Flying Dragon Cave”, and “Enshi Grand Canyon”, which is as great as Grand Canyon Colorado. Enshi is also reputed as “Natural Botanical Garden” and “A Medicine Treasury in Central China” with over 2000 kinds of medicinal plants, including bandang, yaogui , Ziy


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