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32  4        Vol.32, No.4:431~449 20 13 7    ACTA  PET ROLOGICA  ET  MINERALOGICA        July, 2013 、 1, 2 2 3 3 2 2 张立成 ,王义天, 陈雪峰,马世青,王志华 ,余长发 (1. ,  114000;2., ,  100037;3. ,  838204)  :。、、。 , 、、。、 、、、、、、。, 、 ;-、。, (), 。、, , 4 :、()、-。 -, -, , 。、 。, 、 , 。 :;;;; + :P578.4 6;P575.1     :A       :1000-6524 (2013)04-0431-19 Mineralogy, mineral chemistry and genesis of the Hongyuntan iron deposit in East Tianshan Mountians, Xinjiang 1, 2 2 3 3 2 ZHANG Li-heng , WANG Yi-tian , CHEN Xue-feng , MA Shi-qing , WANG Zhi-hua and 2 YU Chang-fa (1.Geologi al Exploration Resear h Institute, Metallurgi al Geologi al Exploration Bureau of Liaoning Provin e, Anshan 114000, China ;2.Institute of Mineral Resour es, Chinese A ademy of Geologi al S ien es, Beijing 100037, China ; 3.No.1 Goelogi al Party, Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resour es, Shanshan 838204, China) Abstract :The Hongyuntan iron deposit is hosted in pyro lasti ro ks of the Lower Carboniferous Yamansu For- mation.The ore bodies o ur as layers, stratoid bodies or lenses.The prin ipal ore mineral is magnetite, together w ith minor maghemite, spe ularite, pyrite and tra e hal opyrite.The gangue minerals in lude garnet, diop- side, a tinolite, hlorite, tremolite, epidote, biotite, albite and quartz .The ore stru tures are mainly of massive and disseminated form s, w ith o asional banded or veined forms.The ore textures are of subhedral-anhedral granular and metasomati types.The w all ro k alteration shows symmetri al zoning, and the altera


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