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# 90 # 5数量经济技术经济研究6 20 11 年第9 期 中国为什么难以启动内需¹ ) ) ) 基于省级动态面板数据模型的实证检验 1 2 刘生龙 周绍杰 ( 11 中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所; 21 清华大学公共管理学院) = 根 中国1990~ 2008 年各省的数 , 本文使用动态面板模型对引起中 国居民消费需求不足的各种原因进行验证实证结果表明: 居民收入占GDP 的比 重持续下降由计划生育导致的少儿扶养比持续下降不断攀升的行政管理费用 住房制度改革是导致我国居民消费率下降的最主要因素其中收入GDP 比人口 结构变迁行政费用支出占总财政支出的比重和住房制度改革导致的居民消费率下 降约71 1 个百分点 内需 居民消费率 动态面板分析 F22410 A Why Does Chinaps Residentsp Consumption Demand Continuously Decrease Abstract: U sing the pr ovinci -l level p nel d t from 1990 to 2008, this p per dopts dyn mic p nel model to test the r e sons w hich c use insufficiency of house- hold consumption dem nd in Chin 1The empiric l results show th t the declining proportion of household income in GDP, the declining young dependency rel ted to One-Child policy, the rising dministr tive expenditur e nd the housing refor m re the m in determin nts for the declining of the household consumption in GDP1 Qu ntit tively, the sh re of household income in GDP, demogr phic ch nge, dministr tive expenditure in tot l fisc l expenditure nd housing refor m c used the decline of household consumption in GDP by bout 71 1 percent ge points during this period1 Key words: Domestic Dem nd; H ousehold Consumption in GDP; Dyn mic P nel An ly sis ¹ 2010 / 0 / : 0 ( : / 0 ( : 09YJC790162) / 0 , 中国为什么难以启动内需 # 91 # , , , , , , 1998 , , , , 2003~ 2007 , 111 3% 2008 , , ,


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