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中国工业部门的能源价格扭曲与要素替代研究 # 3 # 中国工业部门的能源价格扭曲与 ¹ 要素替代研究 陶小马 邢建武 黄 鑫 周 雯 ( 同济大学经济与管理学院) = 针对以往关于中国能源替代 题的研究未考虑价格扭曲因素的不足, 本文以超对数成本函数为基础, 对中国工业部门要素价格扭曲进行测度, 并计算要 素自价格弹性及要素间替代弹性研究发现, 能源的相对价格存在严重扭曲; 能源 自价格弹性在2004 年前为正, 其原因是价格管制与市场不完善阻碍了其调节功能 的发挥; 资本与能源间并不存在确定的替代关系, 劳动与能源间在近期表现为替代 关系, 而其他投入与能源间表现为互补关系本文最后根据实证研究结果提出三点 政策建议 能源 价格扭曲 价格弹性 要素替代 F0621 1 A The Measurement of Energy Price Distortions and Factor Substitution in Chinese Industry Abstract: Aiming at the neglect of price distortions in current research on fac- tor substitution in China, this stud , based on a generalized tr anslog cost func- tion, firstl estimates the distortions in relative price of factor s and then measures the ow n- price elasticities and the substitution elasticities of factors in Chinese in- dustr 1 Findings indicate that: ( 1) Ther e is substantial distortion in relative price of energ 1 ( 2) The ow n-price elasticit of energ is positive before 2004 because of administrative control and market imperfections, w hich tend to prevent the price from functioning w ithin the mar ket s stem1 ( 3) T he substitution elasticities show the substitution betw een capital and energ is uncertain, labor and energ are sub- stitute in recent ears, the other input and energ show s complementarit 1T he stud finall proposes three constructive suggestions for the polic on energ price and energ efficienc in China1 Key words: Energ ; Price Distortion; Price Elasticit ; Factor Substitution ¹ , : 086921034 # 4 # 5数量经济技术经济研究6 2009 年第11 期 1978 , , / 0 , , , 70% , /


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