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第37 卷 第3 期 2013 年5 月 人口研究 Vol. 37 , No. 3 May 2013 11 Population Research 中国生育率转变中的数量和进度效应* 陈 卫 高 爽 【内容摘要】通过对总和生育率、去进度效应总和生育率及内在总和生育率的对比分析,对中国 生育率转变过程中生育行为的结构进行剖析,对生育的数量效应、进度效应在生育率变动中的各自的 作用进行定量分解。内在总和生育率在估计时期生育水平上,是比总和生育率和去进度效应总和生 育率更好的指标,能够更准确测量生育的进度效应。结果表明1970 年代我国生育率下降中的数量效 应占比远超进度效应,达到3 /4 ;1980 年代数量效应的比例也达到2 / 3 ;1990 年代,数量效应作用比例 为略高于50% ;而2000 年以来数量效应和进度效应的作用此消彼长,总体而言,数量效应不足50% 。 1970 年代,进度效应使总和生育率下降0. 2 ~ 0. 4 ;1980 年代,进度效应很小;而1990 年代以来,进度 效应使总和生育率下降0. 1 ~ 0. 2 。 【关键词】总和生育率;去进度效应总和生育率;内在总和生育率;数量效应;进度效应 【作者简介】陈卫,中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心教授,北京:100872 ;高爽,中国互联网络信 息中心互联网发展研究部分析师,北京:100 190 。 Quantum and Tempo of Fertility in China Chen Wei Gao Shuang Abstract :This paper further examines China ’s fertility transition by measuring the quantum and tempo of fertility using and comparing various fertility measures ,including total fertility rate ,tempo - ad- justed total fertility rate and intrinsic total fertility rate .The intrinsic total fertility rate developed by McDo- nald and Kippen controlling simultaneously age ,parity and birth intervals ,can capture more accurately the quantum and tempo effect in fertility decline .Results show that quantum effect accounts for more than 70 percent of fertility decline in China in the 1970s ,which is decreased to over 60 percent in 1980s , slightly over 50 percent in the 1990s and lower than 50 percent in the 2000s .Tempo effect stood at 0. 2 - 0. 4 birth per woman in the 1970s ,while very small in the 1980s .In the recent decade ,a decline of fertility by 0. 1 - 0. 2 birth per woman is due to tempo effect . Keywords :Total Fertility Rate ,Tempo - adjusted Total Fertility Rate ,Intrinsic Total Fertility Rate , Quantum E



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