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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文) 题 目:汉化蒙古族对游牧蒙古族在法律渊源和刑法方面的继承与发展 学生姓名:XXX 学 号:XXXXXXX 专 业:思想政治教育 班 级:09级-01班 指导教师:XXXX. 教授 汉化蒙古族对游牧蒙古族在法律渊源和刑法方面的继承与发展 摘要 蒙古民族是中华民族大家庭中重要的一员,我国对蒙古民族等少数民族聚集地区实行民族区域自治政策,因俗因地而治,充分尊重少数民族地区的文化传统和生活习惯,并给予一定的优惠政策。其治理思想有一定的历史渊源,本文以蒙古族为例,立足于蒙古民族发展过程中的法治史研究,对于其民族进化过程中蒙古族的法律起源和刑法进行剖析,以便进一步了解和总结其发展脉络,以供后来人参考。 笔者阅读相关书目和期刊论文时发现,汉化蒙古族与游牧蒙古族在法治史上有一明显的分界线,即元朝的建立。因此,汉化蒙古族在法治建设方面对游牧民族的继承与发展就是元代政府对其法治的继承与发展。 1206年,孛儿只斤·铁木真统一蒙古各部并在斡难河源头举行“忽里勒台”,成为蒙古民族第一任首领大汗即成吉思汗。成立蒙古帝国后,成吉思汗颁布了游牧民族的第一部法典----《大扎撒》,这部法典对后来蒙古民族法制以及元朝的法制都起了至关重要的作用,笔者以此为切入点开始蒙古法制史在渊源和刑法上的研究。 关键词:大扎撒 成吉思汗 约孙 忽必烈 刑罚 Abstract Mongolian is an important one, in the big family of the Chinese nation of Mongolia nation and other ethnic minorities in China adopted a policy of regional national autonomy, gathering area, due to customs due to fully respect the ethnic minority areas of cultural traditions and preferential policies. His management thought , based on the Mongolian nationality as an example, based on the rule of law in the development of Mongolian of Mongolian laws in the process of evolution, and analyzes the criminal law in order to further understanding and summarizing its development context, to provide the reference for the later time. I read relevant books and journal articles found that localization Mongolian nomadic Mongolian in the dynasty. Localization of Mongolian in the construction of the rule of law, therefore, in the face of the succession and development of the nomadic peoples government on its yuan dynasty is the succession and development of the rule of law. 1206, BeiErZhiJin, temujin Mongol and swimming difficult river source and Taiwan , became the first leader of Mongolian khan genghis khan. Founded the Mongol empire, issued the first code of nomadic genghis khan - large , the code for later Mongolian legal system as well as the yuan dynasty legal system the origin and the criminal law. Keywords: large about sun and genghis khan Kublai Kh


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