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  BIM在经济适用房建设中的应用研究 1 2 张荣 梁聪 (1.浙江大学建筑工程学院,浙江杭州310058 2.香港理工大学建筑管理与房地产系) 摘要:建筑信息模型(Building Information Model)是用三维、实时、动 态的建筑模型软件来提高在设计和施工过程的生产效率,是在整个建筑寿命周 期过程中输出和管理建筑数据。BIM带来的不仅是技术的革新,更是建筑运作模 式的变革。目前国内对BIM的认识大多停留在设计软件的较浅层次。在应用上, BIM目前主要用于体育场馆、摩天大厦等含有异形建筑构件的建筑上。实际上, BIM在占中国建筑面积最多的民用建筑上也有很大的应用空间。目前,保障性住 房建设已经列入了国家十二五规划。在这样的背景下,本文结合香港房屋署在 公屋建设中应用BIM的经验,从设计阶段、施工阶段和物业管理阶段来阐述BIM 在大陆经济适用房建设中的应用方向。 关键词:建筑信息模型 经济适用房 应用前景 The Application of Building Information Model in the Construction of Economically Affordable Housing 1 1 ZHANG Rong LIANG Cong (1. Institute of Construction Management, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2. Department of Building and Real Estate, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University ) Abstract: Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the process of generating and managing building data during its life cycle. Typically it uses three-dimensional, real-time, dynamic building modeling software to increase productivity in building design and construction. BIM will lead a revolution in construction industry not only on technology, but also on concept. However, most people in Mainland China regard BIM as a kind of design software. Up to date, there are projects which have applied BIM in Mainland China, but limited to stadiums and skyscrapers. Indeed, BIM could be applied to residential construction. Currently, Chinese Government focuses     on public housing construction. On this background, this paper introduces how to apply BIM in the construction of Economical Affordable Housing from design stage,


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