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Aging Research 老龄化研究, 2016, 3(3), 19-29
Published Online September 2016 in Hans. /journal/ar
Research on Trouble and Development Path
of the Family Pension Socialization under
the Situation of Aging Population
Siqi Wei, Yueping Yan*
School of Development Studies, Yunnan University, Kunming Yunnan
th th th
Received: Oct. 20 , 2016; accepted: Dec. 11 , 2016; published: Jan. 13 , 2017
Copyright © 2016 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Open Access
Under the background of population aging and market economy, “the socialization of family
pension mode”, means that the supply subject of social pension changes from government to
market, rather than from family to society. By analyzing the current situation, requirements, as
well as the existing problems of the development of social endowment in our country, it is advo-
cated to use “taking care” for rectification of the entire social endowment. And it is put forward
that: social endowment’s practitioners, fee standards, and service delivery, should all follow the
market-oriented operation. Service content and project should reflect socialization, populariza-
tion, and consider the acceptable degree of family needing pension.
Aging of Population, Endowment Way, Family Endowment Trouble, Taking Care, Development Path
云南大学发展研究院,云南 昆明
文章引用: 韦思琪, 晏月平. 人口老龄化态势下家庭养老社会化困境与发展路径研究[J]. 老龄化研究, 2016, 3(3):
19-29. /