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笔译高级:翻译佳作欣赏-邓颖超致宋美龄的信 1988年5月邓颖超致宋美龄的信 【概述】本文系邓颖超致宋美龄的信,表面看似私人信件,实则为关系海峡两岸的官方信函。鉴于此信的重要性,写信人语气诚恳,将真情付诸笔端,措辞严谨,用词字斟句酌,可谓字字珠玑,于平白朴实之中见刚柔相济,于心平气和之中透露出忧国忧民之意识。其中“烈士暮年,壮心不已”更是让人垂泪。信件内容布局属中式思维,采取了迂回的说理法。写信人没有开门见山直陈意旨,而是先回顾数十载的友谊,转而关心对方的近期身心健康。接着借对方姐姐所言称赞对方的爱国热情。最后才触及问题实质,殷切希望对方能为海峡两岸的统一做出贡献。这种迂回法使对方有一个心理转变的过程,由历史而转至现实,逐渐打动对方,使之最终付诸实践,信件对对方的感召力是不言而喻的。 庐山初识,匆匆五十年矣,山城之聚,金陵之晤,犹历历如昨。别后音讯阔绝四十余年,诚属憾事。 Two score and ten years have elapsed since our acquaintance at Mt.Lushan, Our gathering in Chongqing the mountain city and our meeting in Nanjing are still fresh in my mind as if they took place only yesterday. It is a deep regret that we had lost contact with each other for forty odd years. 幸友谊犹存,两心相通。每遇客从远方来,道及夫人起居,更引进怀旧之情。近闻夫人健康如常,颇感欣慰。 Yet it is a great comfort to us that we still retain friendship and mutual understanding. Every time a friend comes from afar and mentions your daily life, I cannot help recalling the past. It is a great comfort to me when I hear that you are in good health. 令姐孙夫人生前,极为思念夫人,每每言及夫人爱国情切,必将致大力于中国之统一。 Your honourable sister Mrs.Sun missed you very much during her lifetime. She often talked of your ardent patriotism and utter devotion to the reunification of China. 孙夫人手足情深,亟盼生前能与夫人一晤;曾亲笔致函夫人,然未能如愿,终成遗憾。尝读夫人之《我将再起》,思感殊多。 Mrs.Sun always kept a sisterly affection for you and had a strong wish to have a meeting with you, for which she wrote you a letter. Yet she failed to fulfill her wish, which is a regret. I have the honor to read your book I Shall Rise Again ,which provoked abundant reflection in me. 回首当年,国难方殷,夫人致力全民抗战,促成国内团结,争取国际援助,弘扬抗日民气,救助难童伤兵,厥功至伟。 Looking back in the past, I remember that national calamities plagued China at that time. You made great contributions by devoting yourself to the War of Resistance Against Japan and the unity of all forces in China, by working hard for the international assistance and the morale of the Chinese people in fighting against the Japanese aggressors and by helping to rescue the refugee children and wo


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