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·97 ·                      2003    7 ·· :* 彭 南 生 ( , 430079) [] ; [ ] 、, 。 、, , , , 。, 、 。, 1929 ~ 1933 、, , 。、 , 。 [] K25;F32;T S   [] A  [] 0583-02 14 (2003)07-0097-12 Semi-Industrialization:AnAnalysis of theDeveloping Courseof Village-Handicraft in odernChina PENG Nan-sheng (I nsti tut e of Modern Chi nese Hist ory , H uazhong Nor mal Uni v ersity , Wuhan 430079, Chi na) Key Words:semi-industriali atio n;village-handicraft in modern China Abstract:T his thesis tries to analy e the developing course of some village-handicraft and some trade in modern China.It holds that the rise and development of semi-industriali ation is not only the result of the pressure of population, but also the technology improvement of machine-industry.Local able-perso n plays an important role in the rise of semi-industriali ation.Outside market is the key in the developing course.M any and varied forms of production enable the villagehandicraft to face the w av e of market in the phase of semi-industriali ation.T he progress of technolo gy, outside market and varied forms are the important character- istics of semi-industriali ation.T he causes of the decline of semi-industriali ation are outside factor, especially the world eco no- my crisis of 1929-1933, the War against Japanese invasion.But the semi-industriali ation brings about an active effect in the changes of village society and economy in modern China.It is a phenomenon in the developing country and area, and it is not o n- ly different from the traditional village-handicraft, but also different from proto-industriali ation.Semi-industriali atio n is a suit- able concept in the further-step research of village-handicraft in mo dern China.   , “


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