叶轮室结构对轴流泵性能影响的研究 本科生毕业设计.pdf

叶轮室结构对轴流泵性能影响的研究 本科生毕业设计.pdf

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叶轮室结构对轴流泵性能影响的研究 本科生毕业设计

扬州大学本科生毕业设计(论文) 工学学士学位毕业设计 叶轮室结构对轴流泵 性能影响的研究 专业名称: 热能与动力工程 学生姓名: 吴新春 指导老师: 杨 华 扬 州 大 学 2013 年 5 月 1 扬州大学本科生毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 轴流泵不稳定区的存在不仅影响了水泵机组的可靠运行,而且大大缩小了轴流泵高效 区的运行范围。本文在硕士论文“轴流泵非稳定工况流动机理及性能改善研究”的基础上, 主要利用ICEM-CFD、CFX 软件,结合excel 工作表,对已建好的模型进行部分修改,然 后重新划分网格,对不同的工况进行计算,利用CFX 后处理算得水泵性能参数并做速度、 压强云图,将数据导入excel 绘制水泵性能曲线。研究结果表明:(1)小流量工况下,在 进口加挡板后,水泵的扬程明显增加;(2 )在进口加挡板后,轴流泵不稳定区(马鞍区) 的范围明显减小;(3 )进口处加挡板与否对轴流泵的效率影响很小;(4 )随着流量的增加, 进口流场、压力场逐渐趋于均匀。 关键词:挡板、不稳定区、CFX 后处理、流场、压力场 2 扬州大学本科生毕业设计(论文) Abstract Axial flow pump unstable zone exists not only affect the reliable operation of the pump units, but also reduce the operating range of axial flow pump efficient area. Based on the masters thesisaxial flow pump of nonimprove the mechanical properties and stability condition flow mechanism, the main use of ICEM-CFD, CFX software, combined with the excel worksheet, modifying the model has been built, and then to mesh, is calculated for different conditions, using CFX after treatment was pump performance parameters and the velocity, pressure contours, import the data into the excel draw the characteristic curve of pump. The results show that: (1)the small flow rate condition, the import and baffle, pump head increased significantly; (2)the import and baffle, axial flow pump unstable region (saddle area) range significantly reduced; (3)the entrance and baffleis small and efficiency of axial flow effect pump; (4)with the increase of flow rate, inlet flow field, pressure fieldis more uniform. Keywords: baffle, unstable region, after CFX


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