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廊 坊 师 范 学 院 本科生毕业论文 题 目:师范生导师制实施中的问题与对策 以廊坊师范学院为例 学生姓名:刘娟 指导教师:李士萍 二级学院:教育学院 专 业:教育学 年 级:2012 级 学 号:12110141010 完成日期: 摘 要 本研究在文献分析的基础上,结合自身亲身参与导师制的活动,主要采用文献 法和问卷调查法,并与廊坊师范学院的具体实际相结合,调查分析了廊坊师范学院 导师制具体执行过程、不足以及相应的解决措施。通过对导师制实施的频率、次数、 方式以及学生期望和满意度,以及在导师制执行过程中指导方式、指导内容,指导 次数,学生期望与教师实际指导内容的调查,学生对导师制的评价如对校内外导师 的评价,对导师制本身的评价,旨在分析导师学生两个执行主体冲存在的问题并从 我校导师制特征、校内教师、校外教师三方面提出自己的意见。 关键词: 导师制 师范生 调查研究 2 Abstract In this study, on the basis of literature analysis, combined with their own personally participate in the activities of the tutorial system, mainly US ES the method of literature and questionnaire investigation, and combined with the specific actual langfang normal college, investigating and analyzing the langfang normal college tutor system specific implementation process, and the corresponding solutions. Through the tutorial system implementation way of frequency, frequency, and students expectation and satisfaction, and in the process of the tutorial system implementation guidance, guidance content, number of guidance, students expectation and the guidance of teachers practical investigation, students like to participate to the evaluation of tutor system teacher evaluation, evaluation of tutor system itself, aims to analyze the problems existing in the tutor students two executive main body and the tutor system characteristics, the school teachers, school teachers in our school three aspects put forward their own opinions. Key words: Tutor system normal university student The investigation and study 3


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