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¹ 贾益民, 张雪芹 (, , 510610) [ ] ; ; ; [ ] , 1439 , , , ; , [ ] H 030 [] A [ ] 1671- 5306 ( 2006) 02- 0066- 13 An Analy sis on the N om ination of the N ew ly-bu ilt R esidential Bu ild ings in G uangzhou JIA Y i-m in, ZHANG Xue- in ( Co lleg e of Ch inese L ang uag e and Culture of J inan Un iv ersity, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510610, Ch ina ) K ey w ord s: nam es of residen tial bu ildings; generic nam es; specific names; b isyllab lization A bstrac t: From the aspects of lingu istics and culture, th is paper researches the 1439 nam es of residen tial build ings in Guangzhou city1 It focuses on the overall d istribution and the characteristics of lingu istic in syllab ic structure of the nam es of residen tial build ings w ith different numbers of Ch inese characters, the new developing trend of generic nam es and the characteristics in rhythm ic collocation of doub le-syllab le generic nam es, the characteristics in selecting w ords of specific nam es and its sem an tic meaning, and its rhythm 1On th is bas is, the paper analyzes some prob lem s existing in the selection and application of som e generic nam es and specific nam es1 11 , , , , , , , , , [ ] 2006- 03- 21 [] ( 1956- ), , , ; ( 1978 - ), , , ¹ , # 66# 2006 2 , , , , , , ; , , , , , / + 0 , , , , , ; , , , , / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0, / 0 / 0, , , , 56 , 10 1439 , , , , , 4 : 56 (, 2000) [ 1] , , ;


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