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专业英文写作与化学软件使用 1. 课程英文名称:Scientific English Writing and Data Processing in Chemistry 2. 课程学时:总学时36-54 , 3. 适用专业:化学类 4. 大纲执笔:和媛,柯红山 和媛 有机化学与化学生物学学部 yuanhe@nwu.edu.cn 化学楼Room 304 WHY PUBLISH?  Nature is complex.  We use complex technologies and methods to understand it…  …and the science is often necessarily complex • provide expertise to the existing database • to be recognized professionally • Thus the scientist must not only “do” science, but must “write” science. WHY PUBLISH IN ENGLISH?  English is the international language of science  Allows you to become an effective science communicator  International reputation enabling collaborations and work opportunities 1. INTRODUCTION  In science, no matter how spectacular the results are, the work is not completed until the results are published.  One of the best ways scientific researchers provide their expertise and to be recognized professionally is to publish as many good papers as possible in a number of very prestigious professional journals.  The purpose of this course is to help candidates to prepare the manuscript and to show all steps from the rough manuscript to published paper. 1.1 SCIENTIFIC WRITING (科技论文的特点)  A scientific paper is a written and published report describing original research results. 科技论文是对创造 性的科研成果进行理论分析和总结的科技写作文体。  A research scientist must provide written document showing what was done, how it was done and what was learned from it. 科技论文必须完整回答为什么研究,怎 么样研究和结果是什么。  科技论文的撰写和出版是科学研究工作中必不可少的组 成部分, 也是其获得知识产权保护的重要依据。  科学论文必须具有科学性、创新性、逻辑性等基本属性。 1.2 科技论文的基本属性 (1)科学性 内容科学:论文的内容是客观存在的事实,他人可重 演, 绝不允许主观臆造和剽窃. The key is reproducibility. 表述科学:在论据充足翔实、论证严密、立论客观的 基础上,用规范的语言 (准确、简明)和形式表达 科学实践过程和结论。It must be written in


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