
抢救车二十种常备药品剂量、作用及不良反应(The dose, function and adverse reaction of twenty kinds of standing medicines).doc

抢救车二十种常备药品剂量、作用及不良反应(The dose, function and adverse reaction of twenty kinds of standing medicines).doc

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抢救车二十种常备药品剂量、作用及不良反应(The dose, function and adverse reaction of twenty kinds of standing medicines)

抢救车二十种常备药品剂量、作用及不良反应(The dose, function and adverse reaction of twenty kinds of standing medicines) 2: lobeline dose: 3mg. Function and use: the selective excited central nervous system drugs to enhance the function of central nervous system activity, mainly used for each drug rescue or serious harm caused by diseases, such as severe infection, creation of respiratory depression or failure, mainly for neonatal asphyxia, pediatric infectious diseases caused by carbon monoxide poisoning and respiratory failure. Adverse effects: excessive can produce excessive excitement, resulting in convulsions, severe convulsions, then transferred to suppress, or even cause death. 3 epinephrine: dosage: 1mg. Function and use: cardiovascular system stimulation, inhibition of bronchial smooth muscle and peripheral vasoconstriction to strengthen the The new supersedes the old., heart rate, blood pressure, height, for cardiac resuscitation, anaphylactic shock, bronchial asthma and local hemostasis, or local anesthetics and local anesthetic compatibility, slow absorption, prolongation, and reduce the possibility of local anesthetics poisoning absorption the. Adverse reactions: palpitation, headache, agitation, tremor, elevated blood pressure until the danger, induced by cerebral hemorrhage, can cause arrhythmia, even the development of ventricular fibrillation. 4, norepinephrine: dose: 1mg. Function and use: mainly for the cardiovascular system is excited, vasoconstriction is very strong, so that the peripheral Yinli increased, increased blood pressure. Intravenous drip is used for various causes of shock and can be used to stop bleeding during biliary and gastric surgery. Adverse reactions: local tissue necrosis, acute renal failure, long-term medication withdrawal, can cause blood pressure drop. 5, isoproterenol: dose: 1mg. Function and use: it can strengthen the contractility of the myocardium, speed up the heart rate, dilate the peripheral blood vessel and the bronchial smooth muscle


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