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教你爱心盒饭的n种做法(Teach you love lunch box n practices)
教你爱心盒饭的n种做法(Teach you love lunch box n practices)
Teach you love lunch box N practices
Guide language: outside work friends still headache what to eat every baa, wow, here N for lunch, parents can do at home first after back to the company, the microwave heating time to eat, convenient and economical, and meat collocation, nutritional health food, Why not?.
Love lunch 1: stewed pork + Pepper Fried turnip acid + Sauteed Green Beans
1, halogen pork: fillet, meat, cotton rope tied up. Fry the pork in the pan, and the meat is barbecued. And then poured into the pot, add wine and water. After boiling, in the dry hot pepper and ginger and garlic sauce, cover small fire for 40 minutes. Add sugar and soy sauce and continue to simmer for 20 minutes. Then scoop it up and cut it into pieces.
2, pepper fried fried peppers: Sauteed Green Beans Sauteed Green Beans.
3, radish sour: radish slice, salt with salt, the pickled water poured out wash. Cold boiled Riga Riga white vinegar, sugar, like spicy, you can add chili noodles stir.
Love lunch 2: carrot Corn Soup + fried double wire (egg crepe + white lotus silk) + letinous edodes onion rice
1, carrot, corn, ribs soup: carrots peeled, cut hob block, corn cut into small pieces, ribs cut into small pieces. The ribs with boiling water boiled, remove and wash drain; pot add a little salad oil, green onion and ginger until fragrant, add pork and stir fry for a while. Water (water must cover the ribs), Wuhuo boil Simmer and cook for about 1 hours, add corn and cook for 10 minutes. Finally add carrots and cook for 10 minutes or so. Carrots and corn are ripe and served with seasoning.
2, double wire (fried egg crepe + white lotus silk): pan fried eggs peel shred, white lotus also shred, then fry the white lotus, then pour into the fried egg.
3, letinous edodes onion rice: onion and letinous edodes first cooked, add a little green pepper, and so on, after the fried, and then cooked rice into the mix well.
Love lunch 3: Celery chicken + + as
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