
教师教育观念及其相关因素的研究综述(A review of research on Teachers educational beliefs and related factors).doc

教师教育观念及其相关因素的研究综述(A review of research on Teachers educational beliefs and related factors).doc

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教师教育观念及其相关因素的研究综述(A review of research on Teachers educational beliefs and related factors)

教师教育观念及其相关因素的研究综述(A review of research on Teachers educational beliefs and related factors) [PageIndex=1] A review of teacher education concepts and related factors, Wang Shuhua, YH (Department of educational psychology, Hengshui Normal College, Hebei, Hengshui 053000, China) Abstract: Teachers views on students are more or less studied at home and abroad. The student view is the teachers expectation of the students performance, and the teachers expectation has a great influence on the development of the students. In the influence of teachers teaching behavior, ideas have more influence than knowledge. The teachers educational behavior is consistent with his educational beliefs. Educational behavior reflects teachers educational ideas. Key words: education idea; students; teachers expectation; teaching behavior classification number: G451 document code: A article number: 1008-6900 (2003) 02-0065-031 education idea of the concept of the so-called concept of teacher education, refers to the formation of teachers in education and teaching practice, the phenomenon of education, especially the understanding of their own the teaching ability and teaching students subjectivity. It influences teachers perception and judgment directly, and then influences their teaching behavior. Study on the educational concept and 2 control points on the educational concept of study abroad 2.1 is important in the study of students thinking process, a discipline is the concept of researchers trying to understand how children are the key to learning. These research methods focus on the characteristics of learners, not only on self-concept and self-efficacy, but also on the characteristics of intelligence, knowledge and motivation. The teachers view of students is the teachers basic view of what he teaches. Teachers perceptions of childrens performance affect childrens learning and achievement by influencing childrens perceptions of their abilities and other achievements related concepts, [1]


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