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数学史参考文献(Bibliography of mathematical history)
数学史参考文献(Bibliography of mathematical history)
Zu Chongzhi (usually Z Ch only ngzh, 429 BC - 500 BC) is Chinas outstanding mathematicians, scientists. During the northern and Southern Dynasties, the Han people were far from the characters. Not born emperor Yuan Jia six years, died in two years with Hou Yongyuan qi. The ancestral home of Fan Yang Qiu county (now Hebei Laishui County).
To calculate the value of PI is a very important and difficult research topic in mathematics. Many mathematicians in ancient China calculation are committed to PI, and in fifth Century Zu Chongzhis achievements can be said to be a leap of PI calculation. After assiduous study, Zu Chongzhi inherited and developed excellent achievements of advanced scientists. He for PI research, he is a prominent contribution for our country and even the world. Accurate calculation of PI Zu Chongzhi value, his name was named Zu Chongzhi Pi, referred to as their .
What is the Pi? The circle has its circumference and center of the circle, and the distance from any point of the circle to the center of the circle is called the radius, and the radius is double the diameter. Is the diameter of a circle passes through the centre line, is a straight line, arc line is how many times, in mathematics as pi. Simply, PI is the perimeter of a circle and its diameter ratio between, it is a constant, by the Greek letter Pi, for 355 / 113 of the formula. In the astronomical calendar and production practice, involved in all round, are used to calculate pi.
How to correctly calculate pi values, is an important topic in the world history of mathematics. Mathematicians in ancient China paid much attention to this problem and studied it very early. In Zhou Jing and nine chapters of arithmetic put forward in the ancient Jingyizhousan rate, set Pi is three, which is three times the diameter of circumference length. Since then, after successive exploration of past mathematicians, PI numerical calculated more accurate. Liu Hsin Wa
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