
数据库的备份与恢复 导入 导出(Database backup and recovery, import and export).doc

数据库的备份与恢复 导入 导出(Database backup and recovery, import and export).doc

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数据库的备份与恢复 导入 导出(Database backup and recovery, import and export)

数据库的备份与恢复 导入 导出(Database backup and recovery, import and export) SQL command database backup and recovery, import and export MySQL Export Import command use case 1. export the entire database Mysqldump -u user name, -p database name export file name Mysqldump, -u, zoujq, -p, urldbTT_Mart ttmart_db.sql 2. export a table Mysqldump -u user name, -p database name export file name Mysqldump, -u, zoujq, -p, urldbTT_Mart, b2c_categories, categories.sql 3. export a database structure Mysqldump, -u, zoujq, -p, -d, --add-drop-table, urldbTT_Mart url_db.sql -d does not have data. --add-drop-table adds a drop table before each create statement 4. import database Frequently used source commands Go to the MySQL database console, Such as mysql, -u, root, -p Mysqluse database Then use the source command, followed by the script file (such as the.Sql used here) Mysqlsource d:wcnc_db.sql Backup and recovery of MySQL database Free backup tools currently supported by MySQL: mysqldump, mysqlhotcopy, also can make a backup using SQL syntax: BACKUP TABLE or SELECT INTO OUTFILE, or binary log backup (binlog), can also be directly copy the data files and related configuration files. The MyISAM table is saved in a file form, so its relatively easy to backup, and several of the methods mentioned above can be used. Innodb all the tables are stored in the same data in the ibdata1 file (possibly multiple files, or file table space independent), relatively good solutions can be free backup, copy a data file, backup binlog, or mysqldump. 1, mysqldump1.1 backup Mysqldump uses the SQL level backup mechanism, which leads the data table into SQL script file, which is relatively suitable for upgrading between different versions of MySQL, and this is the most commonly used backup method. Now lets talk about some of the main parameters of mysqldump: --compatible=name It tells mysqldump that the exported data will be compatible with which database or which of the older versions of the MySQL server is c



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