新课改理念下的班主任工作方向(宋亚琴)(The direction of the class teacher under the new curriculum reform (Song Yaqin)).doc
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新课改理念下的班主任工作方向(宋亚琴)(The direction of the class teacher under the new curriculum reform (Song Yaqin))
新课改理念下的班主任工作方向(宋亚琴)(The direction of the class teacher under the new curriculum reform (Song Yaqin))
The direction of the class teacher under the new curriculum reform concept
First, the purpose and significance of the subject research
The head teacher is the direct implementer of the educational goal, the link between the student and the teacher in charge and the school, and the bridge between the school and the family and the society. The teacher cultivating ability determines the overall quality of students, teacher quality, work quality is directly related to the quality of school education success or failure, directly affect the effectiveness of the ideological and moral construction of students. As the backbone of the school, the head teacher is the most intensive person in the backbone of the school class. If we want to have a group of excellent class teachers, we should first try to improve the professional ability of class teachers.
We know that the class is the basic organization of school, class work level and teaching quality of a schools success is great, but the class work success depends largely on the teacher. The head teacher is the organizer, educator and guide of the students. It is a powerful assistant for the school leaders to implement the school management, and the work of the teacher in charge of the class is related to the healthy growth of the younger generation. Therefore, the head teacher is a class teacher who has special responsibilities, not only the complexity of the work is higher than that of the ordinary teacher in charge, but the importance of the work is also higher than that of the ordinary teacher in charge. From this point of view, a good teacher should have a higher than average teacher professional level and more complex professional ability, teacher professional should become a core domain of an excellent teacher specialization process.
However, we found that the research on teacher professional current research i
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