
施工现场漏电保护器误动作原因及预防措施探讨(Discussion on Misoperation causes and preventive measures of leakage protector in construction site).doc

施工现场漏电保护器误动作原因及预防措施探讨(Discussion on Misoperation causes and preventive measures of leakage protector in construction site).doc

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施工现场漏电保护器误动作原因及预防措施探讨(Discussion on Misoperation causes and preventive measures of leakage protector in construction site)

施工现场漏电保护器误动作原因及预防措施探讨(Discussion on Misoperation causes and preventive measures of leakage protector in construction site) Construction site leakage protector misoperation reasons and preventive measures.Txt, if I am poor, there is still a bowl of rice, I will let you eat the whole world first, the best things should be mine, including you!! Can I say first love die? Come on, listen. Have the ability to take care of yourself, or honestly let me take care of you! First, the working principle of leakage protector At present, the most widely used in the construction site is current leakage protector, the leakage protection device is composed of zero sequence current (voltage) transformer, leakage amplifier, tripping mechanism, main switch, the test button is composed of five parts. By using the three-phase four wire electric leakage protector as example, in the three-phase four wire power grid, three-phase four wire current synthesis relationship: IU+IV+IW+IN=0 four line through zero sequence current transformer, synthesis current is zero, the two side transformer without current flow, so the flux is zero, the residual current protection device is not operated. When someone is struck by an electric shock, the current IR should flow from the phase line through the body to the earth and back to the neutral point of the transformer to form a closed path. The residual current generated by the leakage of a normally running three-phase low-voltage network. At this point, the current through the primary side of the zero sequence current transformer is the current role of IU+IV+IW+IN=I Z+IR in I Z+IR, sigma sigma, core of the zero sequence current transformer with magnetic flux, secondary side induction current, namely the signal, the signal is amplified, back to the actuating element, can cut off the power supply circuit. The use of electric protection. Two, the construction site leakage protector misoperation reasons (1) external interference The leakage protector of tempora


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