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施虐-受虐的心理动力学与适应意义 The psychological dynamics of Sadomasochism and adaptive significance Su Xiaobo private psychology clinic in Harbin Su Xiaobo Abstract This article attempts from the psychology element (metapsychology) and to explore the psychological point of view, the dynamics of sadomasochism. And put forward the hypothesis that Sadomasochism is the first step in the formation of object relations, sadomasochistic relationship, is the most primitive mode of object relations, is the beginning of love. Sadomasochism is through the formation of object relations always the basic mode of motion object relations in the history, is a history of the evolution of sadomasochism. Sadism and masochism is a process of evolution, tame sadomasochism, accompanied by nature, to go, and personalized attack. Sadism and masochism mainly to meaning is to make the object selective pressure sadomasochistic relationship, is conducive to the elimination of the spouse does not match, so as to form and personalized well-matched in strength and can maximize the energy of life, can accomplish the task of survival and reproduction of spouse and individual. Sadism and masochism in the evolutionary process, by betting the energy restriction and the second law of thermodynamics; energy balance and movement direction, determines the stage and time of the development of degenerative sadism or masochism. Sadism and masochism and movement form, the energy efficiency depends on the subject and object of container. The clinical emergence of Sadomasochism phenomenon, a force is essentially need shortage, low level lead to the degeneration and fixation of object relations. The so-called in various stages of sadomasochism, are essentially different in different stages of object relations evolution in the sado masochism. The nature of the therapeutic relationship is the interaction of an energy efficient container system with an energy efficient container system. The analyst is a on the surface of sadomaso


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