
无机房故障(Inorganic room failure).doc

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无机房故障(Inorganic room failure)

无机房故障(Inorganic room failure) MITSUBISHI inorganic room elevator failure code E0 has no exception E1 is detected when the rate is abnormally low E2 is detected when the speed is too large E3 reversal detected E4 AST exception detected Detection of E5 inverter over current Detection of E6 rectifier over voltage The E7 rectifier is detected when voltage is low E8 #LB coil fault detected during power failure E9 #5 coil fault detected during power failure EA force contact, ON/OFF fault detection EB cabin direct transmission abnormal signal EC field direct transmission of signal anomalies ED system exception The EE drive cannot start again EF control can no longer start the MITSUBISHI ELENESSA elevator troubleshooting table MITSUBISHI ELENESSA is on the top floor elevator call two switch MON1 and MON0 electronic board, as long as the rotation of the two switches to a different location, through the display of letters in the corresponding Chinese, you can figure out the fault position and elevator fault time and number of times. MON1 goes to the 0 position, and then rotates the MON0 switch to the 0 position. The result is as follows: Display results ----E0 no fault SW-TGBL is detected when the ------E1 speed is abnormally low ------E2 is too large to check out SW-TGBH ------E3 reversal is checking out SW-TGBR SW-AST is detected when ------E4AST is abnormal ------E5 inverter detected SS-LOCFO during overcurrent ------E6 rectifier over current detection SS-COVH SS-LVLT is detected when the ------E7 rectifier is low voltage ------E8LB coil fault, power failure detected SW-CFLB ------E95 coil fault, power failure detected SW-CFU ------EA forced contact ON/OFF fault detected SW-CFBK ------EB car direct signal transmission abnormal ST-STSCE ------EC out of office and direct signal transmission exception, ST-STSHE ------ED system exception ST-SYER The ------EE driver is unable to start SD-DNRS ------EF controls cannot start SW-NRS 0. Keep the MON1 unchanged and rotate the MON0 t



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