
显微血管吻合的操作技巧及注意事项(Techniques and points for attention of microvascular anastomosis).doc

显微血管吻合的操作技巧及注意事项(Techniques and points for attention of microvascular anastomosis).doc

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显微血管吻合的操作技巧及注意事项(Techniques and points for attention of microvascular anastomosis)

显微血管吻合的操作技巧及注意事项(Techniques and points for attention of microvascular anastomosis) Microsurgical vascular anastomosis skills and precautions: 2010-12-03 23:01:58| classification: microsurgery study First, microsurgical vascular anastomosis skills and precautions Microvascular anastomosis is a crucial step of microsurgery, during the surgery, due to vascular injury incomplete debridement surgery, trauma, vascular anastomosis, poor vascular bed, poor blood supply of postoperative local hematoma, vascular spasm, braking and defect, infection and other factors, may cause vascular anastomosis stenosis or thrombosis, cause the operation failed. A trained physician should try to avoid the above adverse factors and ensure the success of the operation. (1) difference between laboratory capacity and clinical ability Doctors skilled in vascular compliance in the laboratory have laid a solid foundation for clinical microsurgery. However, there is a distinct difference between laboratory work ability and clinical work ability, which should be paid attention to by beginners. The condition of donor site and recipient area is changeable, and the condition of vascular anastomosis is simple in laboratory. In clinic, two anastomosis of blood vessels may not the same caliber, perhaps not the direction, perhaps wall thickness is relatively small, and the changes of the vascular bed, the location of the deep and shallow vessels are not the same, may cause vascular anastomosis difficult. A surgeon who has just undergone microsurgery should be prepared for these factors and have appropriate measures for various changes. In the laboratory operation, doctors can have a comfortable seat for vascular anastomosis. But in clinical practice, especially in the microsurgical operation of head and neck tissues, doctors can only stand for vascular anastomosis, without good support at the elbow and wrist, which brings great difficulties to the operation. (two) to identify whether the anastomoses were



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