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景观园林书籍(Landscape books)
景观园林书籍(Landscape books)
Garden landscape books:
History class:
1, history of Chinese classical gardens, Zhou Weiquan
3, the history of Western Garden change
4 garden of Tong Jun
5 Western Garden Zhiruo Li, Zhu Jianning
6, the theory and practice of modern western landscape design, Wang Xiangrong, Lin Jing
7 Foreign gardening art, Chen Zhihua
8 seeking the garden of Eden: a comparison of Chinese and Western classical garden art Zhou Wuzhong
9, an introduction to the development of world gardens: towards the world of nature, a history of landscape architecture, Zhang Zugang
10. World Park Li Zhiruo, translated by Tang Xueshan
11. world landscape design, Elizabeth, Rodgers
12. western modern garden design, Wang Xiaojun
Two. Theory class
104. landscape design: major, subject and education: Yu Kongjian, Li Dihua
105., landscape engineering system Liu Binyi
107. urban green space system planning, Li Min
108. Zhu Yufan scene of Genyue
16. design with nature Mike Hargreaves
17. landscape design, Symonds
18. place of human nature: Claire, Cooper, Marcus (Yu Kongjian, etc.)
19., exterior space design, Ashihara Yoshinobu
20., landscape design elements Cao Likun translation
21. Yuanye into account
22. say garden, Chen Congzhou
23. analysis of Chinese classical gardens, Peng Yigang
26. modern landscape planning and design, Liu Binyi
28., the exploration of the ideal landscape, Yu Kongjian
29. landscape: ecology. Culture. Perception. Yu Kongjian
31. landscape architecture design, Wang Xiaojun
32. the road of urban landscape - exchange with mayors, Yu Kongjian
33. communication and space, Jan Gail
35., urban green space system planning, Tongji University and so on
36. landscape design - garden design theory (Japan) small research three
37. garden design and landscape art, Sun Xiaoxiang
38. graphic human landscape Translation: Liu Binyi
39. garden design, Li Xiong, Tang Xueshan
40., as a court record.
41. art and appreciation of Japanese Gardening
42. learning gardening Hu Dejun
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- 旅游业对区域社会环境的影响及对策(The influence of tourism on regional social environment and Countermeasures).doc
- 旅游业在跨越中等收入陷阱过程中的作用(The role of tourism in the process of crossing the middle income trap).doc
- 旅游安全预警信息系统构建探讨(Discussion on construction of early warning information system for tourism safety).doc
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- 旅游管理专业专业综合理论和专业技能考试大纲(Syllabus of comprehensive theory and professional skills examination for Tourism Management Major).doc
- 景观设计基本元素之园路设计(Garden design of the basic elements of landscape design).doc
- 晶玉菊苣栽植技术(Jingyu chrysanthemum lettuce planting technology).doc
- 晴天boss掉落表(Sunny boss drop Watch).doc
- 晶莹杨幂-单纯的人更容易被鲜花簇拥(Glittering and translucent Yang Mi - simple people are more likely to be surrounded by flowers).doc
- 晶硅生产废水处理站(Crystal silicon production wastewater treatment station).doc
- 智业公司的人力资源管理高招(China's human resources management tactics).doc
- 景观规划设计中景观设计师的作用(The role of landscape architects in landscape planning and design).doc
- 智力题2(Puzzle 2).doc
- 智多星答题历史题库(A history exam answer).doc
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