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 2003, 20 (5):589~601 Chinese Bulletin of Botany ① 张 云 刘青林 (  100094)  、。, 、、、、; 。, 。 , 、 ;。 。  , , , , Proceedings on Molecular Mechanism of Plant Flower Development ① ZHANG Yun  LIU Qing_Lin (Department of Ornamental Horticulture Landscape Architecture, China Agricultural University , Beijing 100094) Abstract  Flower development an be distinguished by three phases:flowering determination, flow- er evo ation, and floral organ development.Several pathways regulate the swit h from vegetative to reprodu tive development, in luding photoperiod, light quality, vernalization, autonomous pathway, gibberellin, and arbohydrates indu tion, while repression pathways also exist in plants.Distin t in- du tive pathways an a tivate the expression of flower meristem identity genes, thus ause the transi- tion from shoot api al meristem to flower meristem.Floral organ development is ontrolled by floral organ identity genes, whose exa t expression was a tivated by flower meristem identity genes and ontrolled by various positive and negative regulators.In addition, there is a kind of genes that de- termine the symmetry of flower.Resear h on the me hanism of flower development an ontribute to the basi theory resear h as well as later appli ation . Key words Flower development, Mole ular me hanism, Flowering determination, Flower evo a- tion, Floral organ development 1990 Yanofsky AGAMOUS , , 。, 。(flowering determination)、(flower evo ation) ① 。Author for orresponden e.  :, , 1978 。2000 , 。 。, 1963 。 1996 , 。。 :2002-07-01  :2002-12-30  : 5  90 20 (floral organ development)。 1  , ,。 , (,2000)。: 、、、, ;,。 、(Levy and Dean, 1998)。


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