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Supply Chain Capacity Building 供应链能力提升 Violation Correction Training 合规改善培训 Image Area Responsible Sourcing Content Overview 内容概述 • Overview of Responsible Sourcing Program 责任采购项目概述 • Introduction to Violation Correction Training - Setting expectations 合规改善培训简介及期望 • Overview of high risk observations in the region 常见高风险违规概述 • Fire Safety Requirements, Zero Tolerance Policy and Responsible Sourcing Program Enhancements 消防要求,零容忍政策及责任采购项目的强化 • Root Cause Analysis and CAP 根本原因分析和整改计划 • Q A 问答环节 2 Responsible Sourcing An Overview 责任采购概况 3 Responsible Sourcing Program Overview 责任采购 Walmart’s Purpose 沃尔玛的目标: In everything we do, we are driven by a common mission 我们做的所有事情都源于一个共同的使命: To save people money so they can live better. 让我们的顾客省钱,省心,生活更好! Responsible Sourcing Vision责任采购的愿景: • To drive responsibility in our world class supply chain, and to lead and inspire others to do the same. 沃尔玛在其世界级的供应链中推行责任采购,并且引领和鼓励其它团体 遵循同样的做法。 4 Responsible Sourcing Program Overview责任采购 Responsible Sourcing Purpose:责任采购的目标 • To strengthen the implementation of positive labor and environmental practices in factories 加强工厂在劳工和环境方面的积极实践 • To bring opportunities for a better life in the countries where Walmart’s merchandise is produced 在沃尔玛商品的生产国为更好的生活创造条件 • To verify factories’ compliance with Walmart’s Standards for Suppliers (code of conduct) 核实工厂在沃尔玛供应商标准的合规水平 • To have strong mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers and their factories 与供应商及其工厂建立牢固和互利的业务关系 • To meet our customers demand that the merchandise selling in our stores everyday is procured in an ethical manner 确保沃尔玛销售的商品都以合乎道 德的方式进行采购以满足顾客的诉求 • To protect the Walmart brand保护沃尔玛的品牌 5 Responsible Sourcing Program Overview责任采购 The Methods途径: • Conduct our business in a manner that reflects our three basis beliefs 以沃尔玛


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