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沈阳水环境 学 院 求是学部 专 业 化学工程 年 级 2010 级 姓 名 刘妍君 指导教师 范江洋 2013 年 4 月 6 日 1 沈阳水环境 刘妍君 (天津大学求是学部化学工程专业) 摘要:沈阳,中国六大国家区域中心城市之一,副省级城市,辽宁省省会,沈阳经济区的核心城市, 中国东北的经济、文化、科技、交通、金融商贸中心,东北第一大城市。沈阳市地处北温带, 亚洲季风气 候区的北缘, 受季风影响的温湿和半温湿的大陆性气候。平均降水量为62215 毫米, 河流水资源较为丰富。 作为东北最大的工业城市,沈阳是中国重要的以装备制造业为主的重工业基地,有“东方鲁尔” 的美誉。随 着国民经济的飞速发展,城市需水量迅速增大,工业废水、生活污水排放量也随之增加,因此,研究沈阳 市水环境现状,提出相应的防治措施是水资源管理部门所面临的重要课题。 关键词:沈阳;水环境;污水治理 General Situations of Water Resources in Shenyang Yanjun Liu (Department of chemical engineering, Tianjin university) Abstract Shenyang, one of the six regional capital cities in China, is a deputy provincial city, as well as the capital of Liaoning province. Shenyang is at the heart of the economic zone in the northeast of China, center of economy, culture, science, transportation, and finance. As a result, Shenyang is the first big city in northeast China. Shenyang is located in the north temperate zone, the north rim of the Asian monsoon climate area, affected by the monsoon humid and semi humid continental climate. Shenyang’s average rainfall is 62215 mm, rich in the river resources. As the largest industrial city in northeast, Shenyang is one of the most important cities which is given priority to the equipment manufacturing industry in heavy industry base, having the reputation of Oriental ruhr. With the rapid development of national eco


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