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DOI:10.16143/j.cnki.1001-9928.2012.02.006 68 2012 2 华夏考古 年第 期 河南商周考古六十年概述 贾连敏 ( , 450000) 河南省文物考古研究所 河南 郑州市 : ; ; ; ; 关键词 河南 商周考古 都城 墓葬 发现研究 : , , 。 , 摘 要 河南地处中原 商周时期为王朝建都之地和重要活动地区 商周文化遗存丰富而重要 新中国成立以来 , , , 河南商周考古发现层出不穷 如商代早期都城郑州商城和偃师商城的新发现 晚期都城殷墟考古发掘的新突破 两周洛 、 、 、 、 。 、 邑和应 虢 郑 韩 楚等诸侯封国的考古发掘硕果累累 一系列的重大考古发现证明了商 周时期中原地区逐渐形成 。 60 。 了华夏文明的中心地位 本文就 年来河南境内商考古的新发现与研究试作概述 Key words :Henan ;archaeology of the Shang-Zhou Period ;capitals ;tombs ;discoveries and studies Abstract :Henan is situated in the Central Plains. In the Shang-Zhou Period ,it was the region for the Shang and Zhou dynasties to locate their capitals and to carry out important activities ,so there remain rich and significant cultural vestiges of those times. Since the founding of New China ,discoveries of Shang-Zhou archaeology in Henan emerged in an endless stream. These include the new dis- coveries from the early Shang capital-sites at Zhengzhou and Yanshi ;the breakthroughs gained in the excavation of the late Shang cap- ital-site (Yin Ruins)at Anyang ;the great success in excavating the Eastern Zhou Luoyang-site and the remains of the Ying ,Guo , Zheng ,Han and Chu states of the Zhou Period. Archaeological discoveries of vital importance evidence that the Central Plains in the Shang-Zhou Period gradually became the center of Huaxia Civilization. The present p


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