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(1.东北农业大学 电气与信息学院,哈尔滨 150030 ;2.哈尔滨电工仪表研究所,哈尔滨150028)
摘要:智能电能表作为电力系统的重要终端设备而越来越受到关注,对其计量准确性和运行稳定性要求也越来越严格。参照国家标准GB/T 17215.321-2008和国家电网公司企业标准Q/GDW 1364-2013、Q/GDW 1827-2013中电气性能试验要求,设计了一套可以输出600~4500A电流的冲击电流试验系统,可对直接接入式仪表进行短时过电流影响试验。在简要说明了试验系统充、放电原理和控制电路设计原理的基础上,给出实验结果。结果表明所设计的冲击电流试验系统可对直接接入式电能表施加30Imax的冲击电流,并且误差控制在+0~-10%以内,施加时间为额定频率的半个周期,能够满足以上标准中的试验要求。
中图分类号:TM93 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-1390(2016)08-0124-05
Research on impact current testing system of smart meter
Li Zhuozhen1, Fang Junlong1, Li Chao2, Wu Dongfeng2, Zhang Junqing2, Wang Yu2
(1. College of Electrical and Information, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China.
2. Harbin Research Institute of Electrical Instrumentation, Harbin 150028, China)
Abstract: Smart meter are getting more and more attention as an important terminal device of the power system, and its requirements for measurement accuracy and operation stability become more and more strict. So in this paper, according to the test requirements of electrical performance of GB/T 17215.321-2008 and Q/GDW 1364-2013 and Q/GDW 1827-2013, an impact current testing system is designed which can output 600~4500A current, and it can conduct short time over-current impact test for direct access meter. This paper makes a brief description of charge-discharge principles and control circuit principles of the testing system, and the test results are given. The results show that the system can export 30Imax impact current to direct access meter, and results error is in +0~-10%. The application time is half cycle of the rated frequency, which can meet the test requirements of the standards above.
Keywords: smart meter, impact current, direct access meter, short time over-current
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