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27 6 V o.l 27 N o. 6 2007 12 JOURNAL OF EARTH QUAKE ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION D ec. 2007 : 2007) 1 1 1 2 杜 敏 , 林 玮 , 路 鹏, 李建利 ( 1. , 06520 1 2. , 100083 ) : M EM S, , , M EM S, , ( FM SA ) , , ANSY S FM SA , , FM SA , , : ( FEA ) : P315. 62 TP2 12 : A P erform an ce analy sis of f ingershaped m icroelectrom echan ical silicon accelerom eter app lied to vibration m easurem ent 1 1 1 2 DU M in , L IN W e i, LU P eng , L I Jian li ( 1. Inst itu te of D isasterp rev ent ion Science and T echnology, S anhe 06520 1, Ch ina 2. B eijing U n ivers ity of A eronau tics and A stron aut ics, Beijing 100083, Ch ina) Abs tract: M icroelectrom ech anical silicon accelerom eter can be applied to various v ibrat ion m easurem en ts. F or com prehend ing its perform ance and mi prov ing its precision, th is pap er describes the m icrostructure and op eration pr inciple of a fingersh aped m icroe lectrom echan ica l silicon accelerom eter. The stiffness o f m icrostru cture w as cal culated theoretically. The static, dynam ic and therm al ch aracteristics w ere ana lyzed by using AN SYS sofwt are and the accuracy o f theoretical mode l w as verif ied. It is shown that the m icrostructure dmi ension is the m ain factor cau sing the p erform ance of FMSA. The pap er prov ides a theory for mi prov ing the p


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