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continual : happening again and again, repeated 不停的, 不断的(有长或短的间歇) e.g. The dog’s continual barking disturbed the whole neighborhood. The continual coming and going of trains in the station. ? continuous: 不间断, 连续的 (中间没有间歇) e.g. A continuous hum in one of his hi-fi speakers. 他的高音喇叭发出不断的嗡嗡声。 priority: sth. that one must do before anything else. ---Being a qualified doctor is her first priority. Translate:你应该分清轻重缓急. -- You must decide what your priorities are.? give (first) priority to: 给…最优先考虑 ---As for job, I’ll give first priority to the post of bank. Translate: 至于工作, 我首先考虑银行的职位。 worthwhile: (作定语,表语)) worth doing 值得(做)的 e.g. A trip to Tibet is worthwhile. a worthwhile job worth(只能作表语) : be worth + n. / gerund e.g. This book is worth reading. worthy(可作表语和定语) 值得的, 有价值的 Pattern: be worthy of +n. /gerund被动形式 or be worthy to be done e.g. This book is worthy of being read. This is a matter worthy to be considered. assuming + that-clause: 假定…… You use assuming that when you are considering a possible situation or event, so that you can think about the consequences. ---Assuming that we all work at the same rate, we should finish the task by January of next year. ---Assuming (that) the painting really is a Picasso, how much do you think it’s worth? Translate: 假定我们都以同样的速度工作, 我们应该在明年一月完成这项任务。 superior: better than average or than others of same type 胜过, 比…好 Translate: 敌军在数量上占优势。 ---The enemies were superior in number. 这条地毯在质量上远远胜过那条。 This carpet is far superior to that one in quality. Questions for Discussion: 1. How do you comment on the learning methods you used in high school? 2. Are you employing new learning methods helpful to the study of college courses? What are they? 3. What do you think is more important, creativity or basic skills? 4. What do you know about different approach to learning in China and the West? Are some approaches superior to others? Debate: Should we develop childrens creativ


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