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unit 4 Newspapers 1 It is time for us (read) English. 2 It it time for her (do) homework. 3 It takes her an hour (practise) playing tennis. 4 How many (book) do you have? 5 How many (library) does our school have? 6 How much (water) do you have? 7 He does not know where (go). 8 Jim and Mary dont know how (do) it. 句型转换 7 He always does homework for half an hour? How long does he always do homework? 8 Phoebe often reads English books for about one hour every day. How long does Phoebe often read English books every day? 9 He always plays computer games . How often does he always play computer games? 10 Jim sometimes plays basketball. How often does Jim play basketball? 11 They go to the park twice a week. How often do they go to the park? 12 Mary goes to the English Club once a day . How often does Mary go to the English Club? 13 最好的祝福给你。 Best wishes for you. 14 他是最好的老师。 He is the best teacher. 15 PHOEBE喜欢读很多书。她想对世界了解很多。 Phoebe likes reading a lot of books . She wants to learn a lot about the world. 16 华老师喜欢看报纸。 Mr Hua likes reading newspapers. 17 陈炜凝经常步行回家。 Chen Weining often walks home. 18 初一三班所有的同学都是PHOEBE的好朋友。 All the students in Class3 are Phoebes good friends. 19 他所有的朋友都喜欢打篮球。 All his friends like playing basketball. 20 我所有的同学都来自中国。 All my friends all come from China. 21 学生们有太多的家庭作业而且太难。 The students have too much homework and it is much too difficult. 22 我们有太多的事情要做。有时候我们太累了。 We have too many things to do. Sometimes we are much too tired. 23 杯子里的水太多了。 There is too much water in the glass. 24 祝你们期中考试好成绩。 Wish you good grades in the mid-examination. 25 祝你周末愉快。 Wish you a happy weekend. 26 祝你好运。 Wish you good luck.


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