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第5 卷 第4 期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 Vol.5 No.4 2005 年12 月 Journal of T raffic and Transportation Engineering Dec. 2005 :16 1-163 (2005)04-001-0 05 郝建华, 曾 京,邬平波 ( ,  610031)  :为了优化铁道客车垂向 挂系统参数的选取,建立了铁道客车垂向 挂系统广义鲁茨卡 (Ruzicka)隔振模型,研究其简谐隔振特性,应用评价函数法, 对铁道客车垂向 挂系统进行多目 标、多参数优化,以使车体的垂向振动位移和加速度最小。分析比较优化后的结果可知, 多目标优 化结果明显优于单目标优化结果, 挂参数的取值和优化目标有很大的关系,不同的优化目标会得 到不同的优化结果。 :铁道车辆;参数优化; 挂系统;隔振传递率 :U2 0   :A Vertical vibration isolation and suspension parameter optimization of railway vehicle Hao Jian-hua, Zeng Jing, Wu Ping-bo (State Key Laboratory of Traction Pow er, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China) Abstract:In order to provide a new and efficient method for the selection of vertical suspension parameters of railway passenger car, an extended Ruzicka vibration isolation model of the vertical suspension system was set up, and the harmonic vibration isolation properties of the system were investigated, the optimization method of multiple aims and multiple parameters for the system was carried out by evaluation function method so that the minimum vertical displacement and acceleration of carbody could be obtained. Numerical computation result indicates that the values of optimized result with mult-i aim method are much better than the values with single-aim method, the final optimized parameters are related with the optimization aims, and different optimization results are achieved with different optimization aims. 4 tabs, 3 figs, 10 refs. Key words:railw ay vehicle;parameter optimization;suspension system ;transmissibility of vibration isolation Author resume:Hao Jian-hua (19 -), male, graduate student, 86-28-8 600882, jianh_h @126. com . ,


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