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美容美发 Sala 工作室 美 发 Hairdress 1美发需求: Hair requirements 洗发 Shampoo 养发 Hair care 剪发 Hair cutting 拉直 Hair Straightening 染发 Hair dye 烫发 Perm 直染 Hair straightening and dye 烫染 Hair perm and dye 2洗发: Hair washing 2.1洗发水品牌: Shampoo brands: 施华蔻洗发水Schwarzkopf 潘婷洗发水Pantene 海飞丝洗发水head shoulders 多芬洗发水Dove 威娜洗发水wella 力士洗发水lux 沙宣洗发水VS sassoon 清扬洗发水Clear 飘柔洗发水Rejoice 舒蕾洗发水slek 2.2洗发方法: Hair washing methods: 洗发是最方便、快捷的清洁方式。它能洗去头发上积存的污垢,增加发丝间通透性,拥有 一头轻松飘逸的秀发,充满自信。 Shampoo is the most convenient and efficient way of cleaning. It can wash away the dirt accumulated on the hair, increase permeability of hair. Having an easy, flowing hair can help establish fully confidence. 2.1.1梳头 First, comb the hair 凌乱的头发容易打结,打结处就积攒了很多脏脏的灰尘伏贴在头皮中,所以洗前先把头发 梳通顺,让发丝更顺畅。梳头时不要从发根开始,而是从发丝中部开始梳,等中部至发尾 的头发都梳顺了,再从发根梳起,这样可以减少断发。 Messy hair tangles easily, knots have a lot of dirty dusty accumulated on the scalp, so comb your hair to make your hair smoother before you wash it. When you comb, do not start from roots, but start from the Central. comb the hair from mid to end and then comb from the roots, thus reducing hair fault. 1 / 14 美容美发 Sala 工作室 2.1.2选择最舒服的水温 Second, Choose the most comfortable water temperature


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