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标靶词汇:聚焦考研 附 录 0 A aboard adv./prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上 a0001 All the sailors aboard the ship were from England. 所有在船上的水手都来自英格兰。 abroad adv. 在流传 a0002 There is a rumor abroad that our CEO is hospitalized. 有谣言流传说我们的总裁住院了。 abroad adv. 到国外,在国外 a0003 Veronica traveled to Argentina to study abroad for a summer. 维拉妮卡去阿根廷旅行是为了在国外学习一个暑假。 accent n. 口音;重音 a0004 She spoke with a heavy French accent. 她说话时带有浓重的法国口音。 accent vt. 极力主张;强调 a0005 Tomorrows presentation should accent the solution of the problem rather than the cause of it. 明天的演讲应该强调问题的解决方法而非其原因。 acceptance n. 接受;承认 a0006 The acceptance letter will be mailed to you in two days. 录取信将在两天之内寄给你。 accident n. 事故;意外(因素) a0007 The police determined that the car crash was an accident. 警察断定,这次撞车是一起事故。 accidental adj. 偶然的;无意中的 a0008 His presence at the scene of the crime was accidental. 他在犯罪现场的出现纯属偶然。 account n. 叙述;账户 a0009 Kathy had three different bank accounts to help her run her businesses. 卡西有三个不同的银行账户,这样能帮助她经营生意。 account vi. 叙述,解释 a0010 The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd. 天气不好可能可以解释人少的原因。 accountant n. 会计人员,会计师 a0011 The accountant is doing the bookkeeping and breaking down the traveling expenses of last month for her boss.


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